2017, Volume 13
Time-motion performance in semi-professional Lithuanian women’s judo athletes
Lolita Dudeniene1, Antanas Skarbalius1, Kazimieras Pukenas1, Mike Callan2
1Sport science, Lithuanian Sports University, Kaunas, Lithuania
2University of Chichester, Chichester, United Kingdom
Author for correspondence: Lolita Dudeniene; Sport science, Lithuanian Sports University, Kaunas, Lithuania; email: lolita.judo[at]gmail.com
Full text
Background and Study Aim: Time-motion analysis can provide specific information for the judo physical and technical performance in each group and weight categories. This study aimed to verify the hypothesised that Lithuanian female judo athletes of light-weight categories (under 48 kg and under 52 kg) perform faster time-motion actions during a match compared to heavier categories.
Material and Methods: Analyses of literature resources, competition match protocols and pedagogic surveillance methods were applied in this study. The statistic computation was performed using SPSS 18.0 for Windows. Data were collected from 58 high-rank female adults fights at the Lithuanian Judo Championship 2016.
Results: It was identified that only the indicators of total time of technique (p<0.025) and groundwork (ne waza) combat time (p<0.016) about women’s judo matches significantly differ between the weight category under 52 kg and under 70 kg. Moreover, differences of ne waza time between the weight categories under 63 kg and under 70 kg were found to be statistically significant (p<0.0311). A significant difference of displacement without contact time (p<0.035) was observed only between the weight categories under 48 kg and under 52 kg. No significant time-motion data differences were observed among other weight categories (p>0.05). The hypothesis that indicators of light-weight matches time-motion data significantly varies from heavy weight categories was proved only partially.
Conclusions: Lithuanian women judo athletes of lighter weight feature with faster motions while competing in a vertical posture (standing position), without a grip and with a grip. The heavier athletes are slower and, except the tasks in ne waza, all motions are performed longer. In case of competition high-level women judo athletes, their indicators of time-motion data are adequate to results of international elite judo athletes.
Key words: tactic, combat sports, performance, technique