2021, Volume 17

Impact of training experience and training total time on aerobic capacity and level of effective restitution of female Polish Judo National Team athletes during the preparation for the Olympic Games

Adam Prokopczyk1, Marek Sokołowski1

1Poznań University of Physical Education, Poznań, Poland

Author for correspondence: Adam Prokopczyk; Poznań University of Physical Education, Poznań, Poland; email: prokopczyk@awf.poznan.pl

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Background and Study Aim: Judo sports competition at the highest levels requires a high level of aerobic capacity. The cognitive aim of the study was the knowledge about relationship between the level of aerobic capacity and post-exercise restitution, and the weekly training total time (which accumulates the components of the so-called training volume and exercise intensity), and athletes’ body weight, during the preparation period before the planned Olympic Games in Tokyo. The authors posed two research hypotheses: H1 training experience improves the relative aerobic capacity of the athletes; H2 weekly training total time (volume and intensity) is significantly related to post-exercise heart rate and level of post-exercise restitution.

General remark: unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic on a global scale, the Olympic Games scheduled for 2020 were postponed to 2021.

Material and Methods: The tests were carried out on the athletes of the Polish Judo National Senior Team of Women (n = 14; age 20.5 to 29.75 years ), during the training camp in the preparatory period. The level of aerobic capacity was measured by the Maximal Multistage 20-m Shuttle Run Test (Beep-Test) was used. To determine restitution efficiency, the Klonowicz restitution efficiency index was used. For accurate analysis, the relative oxygen capacity, relative average running speed and relative distance covered in relation to the test body weight were determined. The training experience criterion was years of training (in this case over 17 years). Training total time was measured in hours.

Results: The heart rate (HR) value 5 minutes after the test increased. The most effective weekly training total time for the female senior group was between 15 and 20 hours. No significant relationship between training experience and relative capacity indices was shown.

Conclusions: Weekly training total time (included components of training volumes and exercise intensity) have a significant impact on aerobic capacity. It is necessary to regularly check the training load and the regeneration and adaptation levels of athletes. Otherwise, this may lead to a reduction of the capacity for post-exercise regeneration.

Key words: training volume, preparatory period, physiological conditions, load, intensity

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Prokopczyk A, Sokołowski M. Impact of training experience and training total time on aerobic capacity and level of effective restitution of female Polish Judo National Team athletes during the preparation for the Olympic Games. ARCH BUDO. 2021;17:35-41


Prokopczyk, A., & Sokołowski, M. (2021). Impact of training experience and training total time on aerobic capacity and level of effective restitution of female Polish Judo National Team athletes during the preparation for the Olympic Games. ARCH BUDO, 17, 35-41


Prokopczyk, Adam, Sokołowski Marek. 2021. "Impact of training experience and training total time on aerobic capacity and level of effective restitution of female Polish Judo National Team athletes during the preparation for the Olympic Games". ARCH BUDO 17: 35-41


Prokopczyk, A., and Sokołowski, M. (2021). Impact of training experience and training total time on aerobic capacity and level of effective restitution of female Polish Judo National Team athletes during the preparation for the Olympic Games. ARCH BUDO, 17, pp.35-41


Prokopczyk, A., and Sokołowski, M. "Impact of training experience and training total time on aerobic capacity and level of effective restitution of female Polish Judo National Team athletes during the preparation for the Olympic Games." ARCH BUDO, vol. 17, 2021, pp. 35-41


Prokopczyk A, Sokołowski M. Impact of training experience and training total time on aerobic capacity and level of effective restitution of female Polish Judo National Team athletes during the preparation for the Olympic Games. ARCH BUDO 2021; 17: 35-41