2016, Volume 12
The kinematic effects of taekwondo strokes in various conditions the outside environment. Interpretation in the psychological aspect and perspective of application in sport, health-related training and survival abilities
Jacek Wąsik1, Dorota Ortenburger1, Tomasz Góra1
1Pedagogiczny, Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, Częstochowa, Poland
Author for correspondence: Jacek Wąsik; Pedagogiczny, Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, Częstochowa, Poland; email: jwasik[at]konto.pl
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Background and Study Aim: In traditional taekwondo hand strikes are an important element of the training of athletes. The aim of this work was the knowledge whether a kinematic effects of straight punch depends on a physical conditions of hitting (without physical target and in plastic board) and the lateralisation.
Material and Methods: Five women training taekwon-do ITF were analysed. During the tests, from side standing posture (position), they were performing the traditional hand strike without physical target and into a typical plastic breaking “board” that is commonly used for taekwondo competition (in part of dedication of martial art – performance). For the purpose of this research, HML (Human Motion Lab) was used.
Results: The registered maximum speed of the fist, during the execution of a straight punch without a physical target was 7.08 ±0.95 m/s for the right hand and 7.19 ±0.80 m/s for the left hand. While during the board breaking 5.52 ±0.79 m/s for the left hand and 6.12 ±1.02 m/s for the right hand. The factor of preference of left or right side of the body did not contribute to the speed of the straight punch in the taekwondo athletes. Significant differences (p<0.01) were seen during the execution of straight punch on different conditions (target and without physical target).
Conclusions: These empirical effects may be associated with the concept of resource sharing, if action has a higher ceiling of difficulty, it is followed by extended reaction time and the mechanism of the speed-accuracy trade off. The results of these studies open up a new perspective on interdisciplinary analysis of taekwondo and other combat sports as a modern means of rehabilitation, therapy and improve the quality of life (including the ability to survive).
Key words: cognitive factor, dynamic balancing, movement analysis, precision, sports psychology, velocity