2016, Volume 12
The use of augmented-reality technology to improve judo techniques. Premises, assumptions, methodology, research tools, preliminary scenarios – the first stage of the study
Kazimierz Witkowski1, Janusz Sobecki1, Jarosław Maśliński1, Wojciech B Cieśliński1, Andrzej Rokita1, Roman Maciej Kalina2
1Department of Martial Arts, University School of Physical Education in Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland
2Department of Combat Sports, Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, Gdansk, Poland
Author for correspondence: Wojciech B Cieśliński; Department of Martial Arts, University School of Physical Education in Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland; email: wojciechbcieslinski[at]gmail.com
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Background and Study Aim: Sport, professionally and for all, is an area of both the application of modern technology, and to create new ones. The premises of such a statement is to protect health (all practitioners sport) and to achieve optimal sport results first of all by top athletes. In judo, like in each combat sports, motoric actions are cumulative directly on the body of an athlete during a specific exercise (kata, uchi komi etc.), training fights (randori) and the tournaments ones. The aim of this work are the most important premises based on the analysis of the available technology, augmented reality (AR) in relation to the expectations of adaptive judo athletes (under the scientific knowledge about the determinants of success) and assumptions construction of research tools and training, including initial scenarios.
Material and Methods: We use the design method and the Delphi method involving the science of martial arts experts’ (2 professors sport science and at the same time judo coaches master class, 1 professor management science and judo coach first class, 1 PhD and three times of Judo Word Champion, 1 PhD and Karate World Champion). In our opinion, an essential value of the project are not only the methods but also the selection of experts (all of the scientific qualifications and experience of the practice of combat sports). The selection of only those people who possess abilities to perform scientific analysis of a studied phenomenon has been a very essential criterion from methodological perspective.
Results: All the experts agreed that the essence of judo sport is to maintain a vertical posture and break the balance competitor. Only such a result makes it possible to continue the fight in the horizontal posture. However, these two general principles does not mean that they are fighting techniques of judo to ensure reliability.
Conclusion: Therefore design methodology of teaching and perfecting judo techniques using AR cannot ignore these rules.
Key words: randori, design method, Delphi method, tachi waza, tendoku rensiu, tokui waza