2017, Volume 13
Original methods and tools of the investigations of the body balance disturbation tolerance skills of the Polish judo athletes from 1976 to 2016
Jarosław Maśliński1, Paweł Piepiora1, Wojciech Cieśliński1, Kazimierz Witkowski1
1Department of Martial Arts, University School of Physical Education, Wroclaw, Poland
Author for correspondence: Paweł Piepiora; Department of Martial Arts, University School of Physical Education, Wroclaw, Poland; email: pawel.piepiora[at]awf.wroc.pl
Full text
Background and Study Aim: In judo and other combat sports the specificity of maintaining a stable posture is related to the distortions generated by the competitor and own offensive activity as well as defensive or motoric preparatory actions. An effect of the body balance disturbation tolerance skills (BBDTS) is situations when athlete maintains contact with the ground with only one leg and often only part of the foot in conditions of great dynamics of action of both sides. Meanwhile recommended balance tests (especially so-called static balance) based on maintaining the stable posture for the relatively long time. It does not matter if person is standing on one leg (e.g. Flamingo Balance Test). Lack of the most important factor - disturbance of balance by external forces and/or their own dynamic activity. The purpose of this review is to knowledge about the original evaluate methods and results of the BBDTS by the Polish judo athletes from 1980 to 2016.
Material and Methods: A major review of the published work from 1980 to 2016 concerns the results of Polish judo athletes of different ages, differentiated training practice and sporting achievements. The results of original methods and tools of Polish scientists are based on Marching Test (preceded by the disequilibrium in Barany's chair) and ‘Rotational Test’. These observations are generally analysed against the results of the recommended tests (mainly Flamingo Balance Test) related to judo athletes and reference groups (people who do not practice sports, combat sports athletes, practising other sports, firefighters, bodyguards, military cadets).
Results and Conclusions: The results of applied non-apparatus and quasi-apparatus tests provide the most convincing evidence that judo and other combat sports optimally stimulate BBDTS at the initial stage of sports training. Review of original research of Polish scientists phenomenon of BBDTS is also proof of the development of coaching thoughts. Lasting over 35 years in Poland original research of BBDTS with use of non-apparatus and quasi-apparatus tests show the general use of the 'Rotational Test' at every stage of the multi-annual training (from selection for health-relation training basic on judo or another combat sports). Question about intercorrelation of Flamingo Balance Test, Marching Test, ‘ Rotational Test 'on the stage of selection with posterior adaptive effects of the training and sporting achievements is an interesting to challenge of the cognitive and application nature.
Key words: Flamingo Balance Test, Marching Test, non-apparatus test, quasi-apparatus test