2021, Volume 17

Plantar pressure distribution and static balance in child judo practitioners

Katarzyna Barczyk-Pawelec1, Arletta Hawrylak2, Krystyna Chromik3

1Fizjoterapii, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław, Poland
2Fizjoterapii, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu, Wroclaw, Poland
3Nauk o Sporcie, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław, Poland

Author for correspondence: Krystyna Chromik; Nauk o Sporcie, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław, Poland; email: krystynachromik@gmail.com

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Background and Study Aim: Participation in sports, including martial arts, serves as an important form of daily physical activity for children and adolescents due to the numerous physical and mental health benefits. The aim of this study is to broaden the knowledge about the plantar loading and balance during static testing in school-aged judo participants compared with an untrained age-matched control.

Material and Methods: The study involved 49 children aged 10-12 years: 26 who trained judo regularly and 26 untrained controls. Plantar pressure and balance were measured on a baropodometric platform.

Results: Peak rearfoot pressure of the right and left limb, as well as average rearfoot pressure and forefoot pressure distribution of the left limb, were greater in the judo group. In turn, the control group was found with a significantly higher forefoot peak pressure and forefoot percent. Balance testing revealed greater center of pressure sway path length in the control group in the eyes open condition.

Conclusions: Participation in judo may modulate right and left rearfoot plantar loading. Further studies are needed to confirm the plantar pressure characteristics of judo practitioners and determine if these loading patterns may lead to mechanical overload and injury.

Key words: center of gravity, center of pressure, combat sports, forefoot, martial arts, rearfoot

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Barczyk-Pawelec K, Hawrylak A, Chromik K. Plantar pressure distribution and static balance in child judo practitioners . ARCH BUDO. 2021;17:197-203


Barczyk-Pawelec, K.., Hawrylak, A.., & Chromik, K. (2021). Plantar pressure distribution and static balance in child judo practitioners . ARCH BUDO, 17, 197-203


Barczyk-Pawelec, Katarzyna , Hawrylak Arletta , Chromik Krystyna. 2021. "Plantar pressure distribution and static balance in child judo practitioners ". ARCH BUDO 17: 197-203


Barczyk-Pawelec, K.., Hawrylak, A.., and Chromik, K. (2021). Plantar pressure distribution and static balance in child judo practitioners . ARCH BUDO, 17, pp.197-203


Barczyk-Pawelec, Katarzyna et al. "Plantar pressure distribution and static balance in child judo practitioners ." ARCH BUDO, vol. 17, 2021, pp. 197-203


Barczyk-Pawelec K, Hawrylak A, Chromik K. Plantar pressure distribution and static balance in child judo practitioners . ARCH BUDO 2021; 17: 197-203