2022, Volume 18

Anthropometric predispositions for kumite specialization in traditional karate

Paweł Piepiora1, Magdalena Superson1, Justyna Bagińska1, Małgorzata Zając1, Daniela Stackeová 2, Kazimierz Witkowski1

1Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences, Wrocław, Poland
2Vysoká Škola Tělesné Výchovy a Sportu PALESTRA, Prague, Czech Republic

Author for correspondence: Paweł Piepiora; Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences, Wrocław, Poland; email: pawel.piepiora@awf.wroc.pl

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Background and Study Aim: In traditional karate, the kumite competition is dominated by hand techniques. Due to the specific nature of this competition, most probably a hypothesis is true that kumite athletes will have an athletic body build with a predominance of upper limbs. The aim of this study was to verify this hypothesis and the knowledge on the anthropometric predispositions of traditional karate competitors specializing in kumite.
Material and Methods: Subjects (n = 30) are randomly selected, active Polish traditional karate competitors competing in kumite – senior female karatekas (n = 15) and senior male karatekas (n = 15), with dan master degrees, with a professional experience (national and international) of 4 years or more. The anthropometric method was used. The Rohrer Index of the subjects was calculated. Based on the data obtained, the Ape Index classification for karate players. Then the Ape Index of the tested persons was compared to the number of ranking points they obtained during the Poland season of 2021/2022. Basic descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank correlation were performed, assuming a significance level α of 0.05.
Results: Senior female karatekas are characterized by a leptosomic build type and symmetrical range of limbs. Senior male karatekas are characterized by a pyknic type of build with a positive Ape Index. In senior female karatekas, a correlation was observed between the Ape Index and the number of ranking points. Among the senior male karatekas, no correlation was observed between the Ape Index and the number of ranking points.
Conclusions: The hypothesis regarding the athletic built of athletes practicing traditional karate turned out to be false in relation to the researched sample. In the studied population of traditional karatekas, senior females have a predisposition to kata and kumite competition in the semi-contact formula. On the other hand, the studied senior males have a predisposition to kumite in the knockdown formula.

Key words: combat sports, Ape Index, semi-contact, shobu ippon, sports selection

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Piepiora P, Superson M, Bagińska J et al. Anthropometric predispositions for kumite specialization in traditional karate. ARCH BUDO. 2022;18:203-209


Piepiora, P., Superson, M., Bagińska, J., Zając, M., Stackeová , D., & Witkowski, K. (2022). Anthropometric predispositions for kumite specialization in traditional karate. ARCH BUDO, 18, 203-209


Piepiora, Paweł, Superson Magdalena, Bagińska Justyna, Zając Małgorzata, Stackeová Daniela, Witkowski Kazimierz. 2022. "Anthropometric predispositions for kumite specialization in traditional karate". ARCH BUDO 18: 203-209


Piepiora, P., Superson, M., Bagińska, J., Zając, M., Stackeová , D., and Witkowski, K. (2022). Anthropometric predispositions for kumite specialization in traditional karate. ARCH BUDO, 18, pp.203-209


Piepiora, Paweł et al. "Anthropometric predispositions for kumite specialization in traditional karate." ARCH BUDO, vol. 18, 2022, pp. 203-209


Piepiora P, Superson M, Bagińska J et al. Anthropometric predispositions for kumite specialization in traditional karate. ARCH BUDO 2022; 18: 203-209