2022, Volume 18
The genesis of selected military hand-to-hand combative techniques in Polish Armed Forces
Kazimierz Witkowski1, Maciej Kupryjańczyk 2, Marek Sokołowski3, Paweł Piepiora1
1Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences, Wrocław, Poland
2Faculty of Security Studies, General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military University of Land Forces, Wrocław, Poland
3Faculty of Sport Sciences, Poznan University of Physical Education, Poznań, Poland
Author for correspondence: Paweł Piepiora; Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences, Wrocław, Poland; email: pawel.piepiora@awf.wroc.pl
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Background and Study Aim: Military hand-to-hand combat is a part of physical training of soldiers that is very different from the typical preparation for competition in combat sports. But military hand-to-hand combat training uses methods, forms and means from physical culture to ensure soldiers’ all-round psycho-physical development. The combative aspect of preparing soldiers for close combat is based on effective techniques from selected martial arts, combat sports and self-defence systems. The aim of this article is general knowledge about the origin the select of military hand-to-hand combat system techniques in Polish Armed Forces.
Material and Methods: The military hand-to-hand combat system of the soldiers of the General Tadeusz Kościuszko Military University of Land Forces was analysed. Due to the civilian nature of this work, the sensitive data of the soldiers cannot be made public. The case study of the research sample was dictated by the accessibility to the Wrocław population of soldiers. The method of observation of exercisers during practical classes and the method of analysis of secondary sources were used.
Results: The analysed system of military hand-to-hand combat is based on hand techniques from boxing. Foot techniques are specific to kyokushin karate. Meanwhile, the techniques of throws, grabs, chokes and levers are based on judo. All incapacitating elements are derived from the Israeli combat system krav maga.
Conclusions: The combination of combat techniques from boxing, judo, karate kyokushin and krav maga is highly effective in military close combat. An even use of aspects of martial arts, combat sports and self-defence systems is noted.
Key words: physical culture, combat sports, psycho-physical development, combat effectiveness