2024, Volume 20

Threats to development of the Alpha generation

Paweł Piepiora1

1Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland

Author for correspondence: Paweł Piepiora; Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland; email: pawel.piepiora@awf.wroc.pl

Paweł Piepiora: 0000-0002-6525-3936


Background and Study Aim: The Alpha generation is characterised by widespread access to technology from an early age. Technological proficiency is both their strength and weakness in functioning in society. The overload on the nervous system of the Alpha generation refers to the over-processing of information, which affects their verification of valuable content. Therefore, the aim of this article is to learn about the developmental risks for the Alpha generation.

Material and Methods: This qualitative study uses the method of source material analysis and subjective verification of facts. This provides an relatively thorough understanding of the problem analysed by referring to an assumed theoretical model encapsulating reality into new knowledge. The results obtained on this basis provide a starting point for further research.

Results: Developmental risks for the Alpha generation were identified as referring to their psyche, somatic and behaviour. The mental problems refer mainly to attention deficits and mental resilience. Then, somatic problems refer to obesity, postural defects and low physical fitness. Finally, behavioural problems refer to their dependence on technology.

Conclusions: Developmental risks were found to be evident in the social functioning of the Alpha generation. This manifests itself in their critical thinking (in the negative sense), lack of skills of validation of the quality of information, social isolation and disorders, which impinge on their quality of life.

Key words: behaviour, disorders, education, psyche, somatic

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Piepiora P. Threats to development of the Alpha generation. ARCH BUDO. 2024;20


Piepiora, P., (2024). Threats to development of the Alpha generation. ARCH BUDO, 20


Piepiora, Paweł. 2024. "Threats to development of the Alpha generation". ARCH BUDO 20


Piepiora, P., (2024). Threats to development of the Alpha generation. ARCH BUDO, 20


Piepiora, Paweł "Threats to development of the Alpha generation." ARCH BUDO, vol. 20, 2024


Piepiora P. Threats to development of the Alpha generation. ARCH BUDO 2024; 20