2010, Volume 6, Issue 4

Table of Contents

Original Article

Published online: 2010-12-31
Morphometric effect of nandrolone decanoate used as doping in sport on femur of rats in puberty period
Sefa Lök, Hakan Yalcin

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Views: 1147 Downloads: 1137

Published online: 2010-12-06
The structure of the roundhouse kick on the example of a European Champion of taekwon-do
Jacek Wąsik

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Views: 1250 Downloads: 1356

Published online: 2010-11-30
Special Judo Fitness Test and biomechanicsmeasurements as a way to control of physicalfitness in young judoists
Katarzyna Boguszewska, Dariusz Boguszewski, Krzysztof Buśko

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Views: 1607 Downloads: 1592

Published online: 2010-11-22
The motor performance and some physical characteristics of the sportswomen and sedentary lifestyle women during menstrual cycle
Mehmet Yalcin Tasmektepligil, Seydi Ahmet Agaoglu, Leyla Turkmen, Mehmet Turkmen

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Views: 1280 Downloads: 1459

Published online: 2010-11-08
Anthropometrical and physiological profiles of the Algerian Olympic judoists
Ramdane Almansba, Stanislaw Sterkowicz, Katarzyna Sterkowicz-Przybycień, D. Mahdad, R. Belkacem

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Views: 1720 Downloads: 1700

Published online: 2010-10-31
EKO-AGRO-FITNESS© original author continuous program of health-oriented and ecological education in the family, among friends or individually implemented - the premises and assumptions
Roman Maciej Kalina, Bartłomiej Jan Barczyński

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Views: 1474 Downloads: 1465

Published online: 2010-10-26
Effects of laterality on the technical/tactical behavior in view of the results of judo fights
Stanisław Sterkowicz, Grzegorz Lech, Jan Blecharz

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Views: 1408 Downloads: 1513

Review Article

Published online: 2010-10-16
Judo’s techniques performed from a distance: The origin of Jigoro Kano’s concept and its actualization by Kenji Tomiki
Fumiaki Shishida

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Views: 2824 Downloads: 4532